About Us

Welcome to Vigilance Plus Training & Development

We pride ourselves on providing the broadest range of personal safety and self-defense solutions to clients. Advancing an individual’s personal safety and self-defense capabilities is an investment that will last a lifetime. Our consultative, concierge-level approach to client training is second to none.

Developing an enhanced understanding of situational awareness is foundational to all our instruction on both personal safety and self-defense. We provide a non-intimidating environment for students of all skill levels, regardless of whether their goal is armed self-defense or less-than-lethal alternatives. Our clients have access to a variety of highly customizable options for training, including in-home, online, in-class, and on the range.


We Offer Courses for Everyone

Whether you’re a seasoned gun owner interested in strengthening your skills for home defense or concealed carry or a parent wanting to teach your children the basics of firearms safety and handling, we are here for you. For those seeking less-than-lethal options for self-defense, we offer a variety of solutions that range from personal alarms and pepper spray to civilian tasers. If you have questions about personal safety, we have the answers.

Our training and development solutions appeal to a wide audience, including individuals, families, organizations, and businesses of varying sizes. We have access to a network of highly trained and skilled individuals to meet the specific needs of clients of all sizes.

Meet Your Instructor


Curtis Bloch

As a certified instructor under the NRA, USCCA, and California Department of Justice, Curtis is certified to teach a wide range of courses, including basic firearms safety, home defense, concealed carry, personal safety, emergency first aid, and less-than-lethal self-defense. Although he is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and armed self-defense, he is also a strong advocate for the use of less-than-lethal self-defense options.

Curtis has over 45 years of experience with firearms and has always maintained a “safety first” orientation when working with firearms. As a husband and father, he understands the importance of self-defense and the protection of loved ones. He strongly encourages clients to embrace the concepts of self-awareness, personal protection, self-defense, and refusing to be victims. He believes all clients can become their own first responders.

If you have an interest in learning more about his experience or services, feel free to schedule a 15-minute consultation: