Partner Profile: Taser Self-Defense

Vigilance Plus Training & Development strives to deliver a consultative and concierge-level service and equip our clients with the skills, knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of personal safety and self-defense. We take pride in offering potentially life-saving training and our collaboration with market-leading companies through our exclusive Partner Programs. These companies, and our programs, are testament to our dedication in providing you with the best in personal safety and self-defense.

Today, we are offering an inside look at Axon Industries, their commitment to self-defense, and their industry leading Taser technologies now available for everyday citizens.

Axon Industries – A Pioneer in Public Safety Technology

Established as TASER International in the early 1990s, the company’s initial focus was on developing non-lethal alternatives for law enforcement. The groundbreaking invention of the Taser—a device that used electrical currents to incapacitate without causing permanent harm—marked a turning point in the landscape of law enforcement technology.  Over the years, Axon Industries expanded its scope, becoming a global leader in public safety technology.

The success and reliability of Taser technology in law enforcement paved the way for its integration into civilian self-defense. Recognizing the universal need for personal safety, Axon Industries created the Taser Self-Defense business and expanded its product offering and focus to the consumer market.  The three standout products in this portfolio, the Strikelight 2, Bolt 2, and Pulse—represent a conscious effort to make advanced self-defense technology accessible to the civilian market.

Strikelight 2

TASER StrikeLight 2

Bolt 2

TASER Bolt 2

Taser Pulse


Established as TASER International in the early 1990s, the company’s initial focus was on developing non-lethal alternatives for law enforcement. The groundbreaking invention of the Taser—a device that used electrical currents to incapacitate without causing permanent harm—marked a turning point in the landscape of law enforcement technology.  Over the years, Axon Industries expanded its scope, becoming a global leader in public safety technology.

Civilian Taser? Really?

In a surprising revelation, many civilians remain unaware that the formidable Taser technology, highly effective and widely utilized in law enforcement, is readily available to the public. What is important to know is the striking similarity in functionality and performance between law enforcement-grade Tasers and their civilian counterparts.  Although they might look different than their law enforcement equivalents, they share the same technology which gives everyday citizens the unique opportunity to harness the same level of protection and confidence in their personal safety.  And, best of all, it’s legal in 49 states.

Anatomy of Taser: Law Enforcement Technology Re-Imagined for Civilian Use

Anatomy of Taser

Cartridge and Probes

The Axon Taser typically features a cartridge containing two probes connected to insulated wires. When deployed, the probes are propelled towards the target and deliver electrical pulses to disrupt the target’s neuromuscular system.

Pulse Calibration

Axon Tasers often incorporate advanced pulse calibration technology. This ensures that the electrical pulses delivered are consistent and effective, optimizing the incapacitation of the assailant while minimizing potential harm.

Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) Technology

Axon Tasers utilize EMD technology, which involves the delivery of electrical pulses that override the central nervous system’s control of muscles. This induces involuntary contractions, temporarily incapacitating the target and providing the user with an opportunity to escape or seek help.

Safety Mechanisms

To prevent accidental discharges and ensure responsible use, Axon Tasers are equipped with safety mechanisms. These may include safety switches or buttons that need to be activated intentionally before the Taser can be deployed.

Laser Targeting

For enhanced accuracy, Axon Tasers often feature laser targeting systems. This helps users aim the device precisely, ensuring that the probes hit the intended target and maximizing the effectiveness of the Taser.

Distance and Range

Axon Tasers are designed to provide users with a safe distance from potential threats. The device’s range can vary, but it is typically designed to incapacitate assailants from a significant distance, providing users with the ability to defend themselves without direct physical contact.

User-Friendly Design

Axon prioritizes user-friendliness in the design of its Tasers. Ergonomic grips, intuitive controls, and a straightforward deployment process contribute to a positive user experience, making the device accessible to individuals with varying levels of experience.

And Why Have We Partnered with Taser Self-Defense?

At the heart of our Partner Programs is the shared commitment to empowering individuals. We understand that personal safety is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, and our partnerships reflect this understanding.

We have chosen Taser Self-Defense as a partner based primarily on their proven track record in public safety, the overall effectiveness of their products, and the diversity of their offering.  Through our training programs and with their products, we can ensure that everyone, regardless of their background or experience level, can find the tools that resonate with their unique needs and preferences.

Let’s Stay in Touch

This blog is the first in a series of 4 blogs showcasing Taser Self-Defense and their products. Subsequent blogs will compare the different products and provide perspective on who might benefit most from the products. If you are interest in reading more in this series,  you can follow us on Facebook, Linked-in, Instagram or X.

Visit our Partner Programs page to see product demonstration videos or gain access to discounted purchases on civilian Taser products.

Register for a complimentary course that introduces you to civilian Tasers or enroll in a personal safety & self-defense course by visiting our class registration site.